Weight of Numbers

This is my learning log for the OCA Open College of Arts course - Drawing 1.

Sunday, March 20, 2011


First hurdle - OCA won't accept my credit card

Today, I tried to sign up for the OCA drawing 1 course. It's part of a long distance degree course which I can do from Asia. My friend signed up for it a few weeks back and told me all about it. And I've been thinking about it ever since.

I've always wanted to learn how to draw properly - I won the art prize at school and have dabbled in art on and off ever since - I've recently started life drawing classes on a Monday night.  I love drawing but I have never been that good at it as I have never been properly taught how to draw (or paint). I started an NC in Art & Design when I was 18 but I never paid much attention to it at the time and left after the first year. So at the grand old age of 39, I have decided to start again.

But the OCA won't take my credit card. I'll call them tomorrow!

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March 2011  

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